I ordered these because I had a hard time finding large strong clear bags in my local supermarket. Our rubbish collection service requires clear green rubbish bags and all I can find on site are either small and very thin clear bags or large black strong bags. and i am very satisfied. It's a durable material, perfect for my garden waste. Of course, if you have sharp chopsticks they can pierce them, but even if they do get pierced, the packaging holds up very well. The best thing about these bags is that they are not connected together in a roll! They are already separated. I didn't know how much easier it would make my life, but I love it. The ONLY downside is that there is no perfect way to protect them once you're ready to close them. Most bags have built-in lacing or handles that make tying easier. These bags don't have either, instead they come with rather nifty little drawstrings. What worked pretty well for me was just leaving the bag a little less than full and tying them like they have handles. Since these are large 45 gallon bags that seem to work pretty well, I still give this product 5 stars! I never thought I would buy Revain lawn bags, but here we are.
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