This fan was purchased for our daughter's car seat during the hot summer months. While it got the job done for the most part, there were a few things I didn't like. The fan is easy to charge and easy to use. I didn't know the fan had different fast/medium/slow settings for blowing air, so it took me a while to figure out that you can change this setting by just hitting the power button a few times touch. It was my fault for not reading it. The fan has a rather short battery life, which is not practical for long car rides or strolling along the beach in a stroller. We have used them to take to the pool, attach to a backpack and play with while the kids play. The fan can rotate 360Β°*, as well as rotate up and down in any direction. Love the color and how easy it is to attach this fan to anything and it stays on thanks to the foam padding. The fan gets stuck when the rotation is off, causing the fan blades to start oscillating and blowing the entire machine apart. You need to keep the fan relatively quiet once it's placed in the right spot. This can be annoying if you hit a bump in the road while driving and have to reach back and restart the fan while driving. (I don't recommend this, but when you have twins like we do, you're often in survival mode.)
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