I had a rear hub on a 12 speed road bike that I was rebuilding that made a "squeaking" noise after I re-greased and adjusted the cones. I was a little disappointed when trying to adjust the cones as they either had too much play or they were binding and just didn't reach the "perfect" intermediate setting where you would normally adjust. I suspected the bearings were worn since the bike hadn't been well maintained and the hub was pretty dry when I first inspected it. From what I've read, class 25 bearings are generally 10 higher quality, made to higher tolerances, more spherical, and since the cost is only $1 more, I've decided to go with high precision G10 bearings for more than just productivity, but also for peace of mind. knowing I was using the highest quality bearings I could get my hands on. After installing new bearings and lubricating them, the cones were perfectly adjusted, turned freely and had almost no play. All in all a great solution and it was gratifying to find that I was able to set the cones exactly how I wanted right from the start. These G10 bearings are high quality bearings. are manufactured to higher tolerances than the class 25 bearings normally supplied by the bike manufacturer and are highly recommended!