I have worked with The Benefits Hub for over 3 years now as an administrator they're customer service really is something! They are always at hand should any issues arise along or help make sure that all your queries/comments through are addressed in real time without fail. As an employer it's great not having to worry about making changes each payday - everything can be done online via our member portal. It could do however improve by adding more flexible options if members require additional support when purchasing products from third parties etc! Just so easy to administer my health plan. Having one place where i post payroll payments instead of going back out every month which has allowed me to automate some processes too (ie posting monthly data). It is easy to use and it has so many features that can be used for different purposes. I like how it is very user friendly. The only thing I don't like about this software is that sometimes it freezes when using some of the functions. I would recommend this software to anyone who needs an easy way to administer all their employee's benefits. Benefits administration has been made easier with this software.