It would appear that TSLA is dealing with a significant identity problem at the moment. Are they a business that sells sporting goods? A name brand in fashion? Who can say?! Their athletic apparel, despite the fact that it may be practical and long-lasting, is not precisely the most fashionable option. And their endeavor to sell fashionable clothing and accessories is a complete and utter failure. It seems as though they just threw a collection of unrelated things together in the hope that something would come out of it. Their footwear is a prominent example of this, as it is advertised as being suitable for hiking but appears to be more suited for the fashion runway. TSLA appears to believe that there is a market for bright orange hiking shoes, although I am not clear what kind of person would wear such footwear. In general, it seems as though TSLA is a business that is unable to make up its mind. There are other, more suitable options available if you are searching for high-quality sporting goods. Also, if you're searching for the latest trends in fashion, this is not the place for you. Avoid the uncertainty you'll experience by going somewhere else instead.