I bought these in red for my 5 year old niece for her 5th birthday while she was watching The Wizard of Oz. I bought them a second time in a kids size 11 because the first time I bought them they were a little tight in her usual size 10 (she wears a 10.5 sometimes but these shoes don't come in half sizes). The fit was definitely perfect as the straps keep the shoe secure and it grows into it quickly. She didn't want to take them off and loves them very much. The sheen is quite solid and the small heel adds a touch of elegance that makes any little girl feel like an adult, which my niece loved. I've searched online for other red glitter shoes and trusted my intuition and other reviews that this one is the best. I still think these are the best "ruby slippers". It's very pretty and brings back a lot of fond memories of wanting ruby red slippers as a kid. :) Photos are attached for proof.
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