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Walt Smirnoff photo
United Kingdom, Belfast
1 Level
681 Review
50 Karma

Review on 🏍️ Unleash Your Inner Rebel with LS2 Helmets Rebellion Motorcycle Half Helmet by Walt Smirnoff

Revainrating 4 out of 5

Nice looking and comfortable helmet but be careful in bright sunlight

Bought this helmet to replace my 3/4 full visor in warm weather. I wanted more wind on my face in the warmer months. In general the quality is good, I like the optics. It has a "Murika" tint, but it doesn't look cheesy. I took out the liner and washed it with no problem. The image for integrity holds up well. And he went back in easily. The top vent lets in more air than my other helmet, which is great for someone like me with short hair - quite a cool breeze circulates. In bright sunlight, your view through the visor will likely look a little milky. So be careful and be extra careful when driving in the sun. No other helmet had this problem. There are other replacement sights available through the LS2 and I might consider buying one that is a tone lighter. But I don't think low vision should be a quality of a helmet visor, especially in bright sunlight. Overall, I recommend buying a helmet because the look, quality and functionality are great.

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