I have no complaints about the seller here, my goods arrived on time and were not damaged. I only have one problem with the product itself. Overall the product looks good but after using my laptop I was disappointed. It doesn't come loose after cutting, but it does feel a little "loose" for lack of a better word, and it seems like the two corners keep bumping into each other when I open my device, to the point where it's breaking me disturbs . break or bend every time I open my laptop. It can only be my device but I think the problem is not only with it but with the product itself. to say that it was very valuable. I haven't had as many issues with the replacement as I did with the original I received, it feels in place and secured. I am very grateful that they reached out and worked with me. Definitely 5 star customer service and satisfaction. Any problems I will have in the future are probably related to the rounded edges of my computing device and not to this product.
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