Highly portable and effective. You can find enjoyable games. It's simple to set up and utilize. That's probably the last good thing to be said about it. Now with the negatives: game prices are only PPC. Estimated retail price of $6,000. You can get a high-end novelty on the PS5 for that money. Child-friendly graphics. At times, the same witcher appears almost comical. But don't worry; it's not a major issue. One's mobility is not compromised. In 2022, the shop is broken. The Americans made me sign up for a database. Idiotically, you can only sign up from a computer. How challenging is it to use the controller? You can't buy a game at retail. Only if you discover a recharge code online or download a free product. The battery life is not satisfactory. About three hours. The original PSP lasts even longer. However, it is still unclear that the same PSP cannot be used to watch videos (well, simply YouTube), listen to music, etc. There is no browser support. The material seems fairly inexpensive. It doesn't take much to sully a stick. In conclusion, it's a bargain that doesn't skimp on quality. This portable option is fantastic. For such a price, there are simply no choices. You may enjoy some classic, high-quality gaming. Similar to Civilization VI's Witcher, Skyrim. However, the price tag is, quite literally, a horse. Unfortunately, there aren't many truly great games out there. But that's just me being honest. Don't pin me any of the hundreds of different versions of Mario (who grew bored as a kid) or any other childish crap, though.