Sorry, but is this even possible for ANYONE - I don't know. like "Asics" to maybe post a goddamn size chart explaining what f$@# "11 D(M) US" is? Is it REALLY necessary? What, just "size 11" isn't enough? or size 11 a,b,c (for foot size) how did they used to do that before everything was made in china? 11 B(N) US, 11 D(M) US, 11 2E US, 11 4E US, what the hell does THAT mean? And why should I look for it on 5 different sites? Not the Asics website - of course not. No. Answer Wikipedia and Yahoo. It's bad enough buying someone shoes because of an accident, does it really take 40 minutes to choose a pair of sneakers? as "quality" but they didn't even bother to post a NORMAL shoe size chart or at least their explanation? C'mon, for the amount of money they want for "sneakers" LEASE Asics can do it, make a size chart or something. If you try to justify these absurd prices with "point-on" marketing, you can make the process less time-consuming and tedious.