Handy pack size for most things although some may find it small Planning to order a second pack. It has a waterproof convertible seal under the outer hood. So it will probably take a good steady rain. The backpack option is good if you plan on hiking down the road. If you suddenly have problems with your bike and have to walk. You can take all valuables with you. So you don't have to worry about leaving anything behind that could be stolen. I mention this because removing and replacing the rear wheel on my electric bike trike is quite difficult. It would be easier for me to walk home and return the hang glider and trailer. No need to scour the desert sand for special washers etc. The Fat Tad e-bike with an aluminum battery case that slides over the luggage rack will not accept clips on this backpack. There is a very small gap between the battery and the stand. I added a 1/2" x 12" aluminum bar held by four pipe rings to allow the backpack to be secured. You may be able to install the package and then reinstall the battery, but you must remove the battery each time you want to remove the package. YMMV
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