I bought this tripod to replace a frustrating tripod I bought a few months ago. This item had great reviews and generally good build quality, but cheap plastic was used for the brackets that connect the legs to the B-pillar assembly, as well as the B-pillar assembly, so one of the brackets failed after a few weeks canceled minimal use. Purpose of use. I've looked for alternative tripods, but many (not all) have used the same cheap plastic/resin on this important part; and many desktop stands had handles that didn't open far enough to hold my tablet top and bottom in portrait mode, and I felt uncomfortable with my iPad being held only by the sides in portrait mode - it just doesn't seem safe to be enough to hold cushion without excessive pinching of the handles that can deform any protective film or cover. Then I stumbled across this and it seemed like a great option to me because I already have a mic stand. As long as it's awesome. Even for non-musicians who don't already have a mic stand, I think buying an inexpensive boom mic stand and attaching this very affordable holder is a more versatile option than most tablet or tripod stands. The only caveat is that unfortunately I have to remove the case to use it as the grooves that hold the liner securely in place aren't wide enough to accommodate my Zugu case (although it will work on thinner cases might, especially on those that don't have a reclineable cover). Definitely a worthy compromise for now.
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