The kit was good some extra unnecessary tools and such but it's good to have extras. The tweezers are very useful as these ribbon cables are tiny. Where are the joysticks. Strange (?) maybe? Installed the first one and it had a small joycon drift going down to the left (it used to go straight up). I recalibrated a couple of times and was still drifting down and to the left. So I installed a second joystick, this time drifting heavily up and to the right. It was not possible to recalibrate and fix it. So I thought leaning a little down and to the left is better than up or the old one, I install joystick #1. Then the drift was even worse, up and to the left. Peace I thought. I synced my joycons to this switch and used the second switch to start troubleshooting. Once I docked the joycon to the second switch. Great, no drift! huwaaa? I updated the firmware from the 2nd switch and played AC to check. He felt good. Reconnected to the first switch and it still works fine. 1 month has passed and the joycon drift is gone. Maybe that's why Nintendo is having such a weird time with joycon drifts.