I bought this trike because it has all the levels and a great price. When my kid grows up, I don't have to spend extra money to buy a small bike. My child chose the color of the tricycle, he likes the blue color very much. The tricycle is easy to install. During the installation process, we installed one less part, but it is easy to disassemble and install. We like to use it to walk around the area. The front and rear small trunk is a great place to store a water bottle or a snack. My toddler is 19 months old but doesn't know how to use a bike so every time he goes outside he likes to put his feet on the pedals and really enjoys playing with the bells in the front. this is his favorite part at the moment. The seat of the tricycle is comfortable and the seat belt is padded and adjustable. A small canopy can be folded or opened to protect from sun or rain. Overall I am very happy with this purchase and my child loves it.