Time for unsolicited advice. In general, if you are a movie maniac, planning to watchcomntent in HD and 4K - this Sony is definitely for you. TV channels like Discovery, NatGeo, movie channels are good only in HD. As is probably already clear from the description of the shortcomings, super-quality also has a downside, it highlights the jambs of the original image, and it is not always possible to defeat them. The processor and settings will make goodcomntent perfect and badcomntent normal, but they won't make badcomntent good, tolerable at best. The bad one is usually SDR, unsharp, 24 fps or less (due to slow internet, for example, or a bad router). From the above, among other things, it is obvious that you will need a good router, fast internet and paid subscriptions. Now, when choosing a TV, you need to look at the processor, it is a key and defining detail. It in particular distinguishes Sony from LG, with one panel. If for a significant part of the time you plan to watch on-air channels such as Pervy, 2022 and other NTV, as well as sports with a lot of panoramic shooting and low quality through applications, then something will be great, but something may not like you at all. Better look at LED TV or QLED, but not OLED. Perhaps if the source of live broadcast and other TV is a digital signal through an antennacomnnection (I don’t have one) or applications that I haven’t used, then maybe everything will be different and there will be no shortcomings. About Android. Everything is ok with him, but the Play Market is limited, you can put something that is not in it with simple crutches. Do not forget that in a bright, sunny and brightly lit room, the image may look dark. Normal Reviews:
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