These shoes looked cute and were the exact style I was looking for, but the low price made me think they were probably going to be cheaply made, unwearable shoes. I also ordered similar looking New Balance and Addidas. Guess which shoes won? These did!When I go for walks, I usually walk miles at a time, and need good, comfortable walking shoes with adequate support and don't mind paying for good ones. Due to an old achilles injury, its really hard for me to find shoes I can wear that dont cause some kind of pain, especially with the new styles that cut into your achilles, so much so I haven't been able to find comfortable shoes I can wear in a few years. Addidas and NB used to be good, but they changed their styles and those brands have become unwearable for me, especially the way Addidas cuts into achilles now. Its been quite the search.Then I found these AAK shoes, and finally, I found a good walking shoe l that I can go miles in. They are a little snug around the ankle, but not too bad. They kind of feel like soft, snug slippers with high tech soles. I bought two colors to try on and might end up keeping both. When you find a good shoe, stock up, because you never know when the styles are going to change. We will see how long the materials hold up, but at this price, you could just buy two for the same price as Addidas or NB. Now I'm afraid people are going to find out how good AAK's are and they wont stay cheap for long.
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