I buy these belts all the time. Durable, durable, convenient, convenient, simple and reliable. How can a belt be all that? Buy one and you'll know the answer right away. I participate in many outdoor activities that require durable and reliable gear, including hunting, hiking, and fishing. I usually wear these straps and keep them on my pants all the time - camouflage fatigue pants (BDU), nylon hiker/zipper shorts, or Carhartt work pants. With a durable nylon buckle, leaving the belt on your pants while washing is no problem. Sturdy enough to adequately carry belt-worn accessories like a hunting knife sheath, shrouded Maglite flashlight, pistol holster, or hammer holder. Considering the price, it pays to have several of these belts so you always have one on hand. They also look good with plain blue jeans. With Levi's jeans, of course!