I purchased the Chinese version of the device, and the seller kindly included an adapter for use with our sockets. It was also very well packaged. The only thing that is true is the Chinese voice acting and controls for the vacuum cleaner, but this is absurd; I immediately removed it, and the vacuum cleaner now functions in 2022. Here's a quick guide for individuals who want to switch the language: Simply type the name of the vacuum cleaner into the search bar, followed by the phrase "through 2022." To be more precise, the first website he will open is w3bsit3-dns. Com, where you can find all the detailed instructions on how to translate it into 2022 in a number of ways. The sole and most crucial step is to register on this site; if you don't, an error will appear and you won't be able to download plugins. Typically, vacuum cleaner fire Put your hands up if you were a part of the 2022ication team so that others can see and not suffer.