The most important part of my job at alloc 8 was to keep our client happy by solving their problems as quickly or efficiently we could! I loved being able solve any issues they had with us while working from home because it meant less interruptions for me during work hours!! It made scheduling more efficient than ever before. Nothing really disliked about this program but if i were going back in 2018 then maybe have some features added like better video conferencing options/more employees allowed per account etc The best thing about Alloc8 is its ability to integrate with other tools. I'm currently using it with HubSpot, but you could easily integrate this with other tools as well. The admin interface is a bit outdated and could use some work. I'd like to be able to see how many hours are remaining for my workers. It's a great platform to help integrate with other tools. I'm able to track my time and see how much time I'm spending on a project.