SAFETY ADVICE! Well, today I got my tools. so happy. an hour after using the flat backing pad that came with the power thread block NOT the MINI CONTOUR GRINDER which I never put on. The whole sanding pad holder flew off, even the protective cover ripped off, and both of them hit me on the inside of my thigh! OH! After the shock of what happened and the look at my leg. Then I checked the meat grinder what happened. Nothing was more obvious than broken threads. Now I realized that the spacers came on the grinder from the factory and looked like an integral part of the shaft. and i put a pad on them as it fits great. There isn't a single video out there that fixes issues with their products by simply showing how cool their products are and how much you should invest in their systems. Maybe a few do's and don'ts before starting a new user video! LAUGH OUT LOUD!. In any case, the spacers do not come loose, removal is not possible! got it dead in the water in an hour plus a week of shipping so what do i do now? Find out how to return it while my shop isn't full. The store does not open as planned! so very disappointed after all the hype surrounding this brand. Also, there are no videos on what to do when your gaskets (in the box) are stuck like a solid piece of steel! I could only cry my hopes of opening in 2 weeks are GONE! .after investing more than $600 in brand tools and accessories. Dissatisfied!