The simplicity and organization of this program is my favorite part. I use task reminders to keep me accountable for taking care of myself! There is nothing so far that I do not like about this software. It can be set up quickly and efficiently, without needing any training. We have created a place to organize all our business tasks, meetings, reminders, etc. If there was anything I would want to change it would be expandable storage for more tasks! This allows us to organize our business in one organized folder! The ability to set reminders, assign due dates/deadlines, track progress of each task is great! I can't think about anything that we dislike at this time. We are using it for our day-to-day business needs such as project management and tracking deadlines so far everything seems pretty straightforward. It's been helpful in keeping us organized while also allowing me to be more efficient when doing my regular work duties (writing reports etc).