I noticed that the voltage regulator has USB outputs to the top of the solar panels and to the rain. I suggest they build future models with the regulator pins down or to the side. The most serious disadvantage. There is also no ammeter on the regulator to help you find a comfortable angle for the plates. Another design flaw. And there's no pocket for the device or battery, as Manuel says, or it's so well hidden that after three searches I still can't find it. Maybe they could show where the bag is in the instructions. And maybe they could put pockets where the batteries would be protected from rain and easily connected to the controller. Maybe they could put the regulator exits and bag openings on the same side. (Right side) Maybe they could also add a piece of ripstop nylon with a zip to hide the regulator and batteries in pockets that open the same way as the regulator and batteries to weather the rain. I recommend everyone to go to the right. I was very disappointed with the purchase.
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