I have been riding this helmet for over 6 months and my wife has the same one. The only complaint I had was that it sometimes takes a few seconds to connect to another helmet, but that was a minor inconvenience and only in some cases. In fact, unfortunately I was able to test this helmet in an accident where my brakes locked up and I went over the windshield and hit the pavement first. I walked away with bruises all over my body and a slightly sore neck, but luckily this helmet saved my face. I didn't even have bruises on my forehead. Without them, my jaw would likely be closed and most of my teeth would be missing. I'm really surprised the helmet didn't crash or break once. Best investment I've ever made and I'm glad I chose a full face helmet on a cruiser all these years. Never wear anything but one. The visor pops up again and even the air vents still open and close. Now it becomes a keepsake and a reminder of how happy I am despite the fact that I crashed my bike. Very durable and reliable helmet!
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