It is really simple,it does not require any programming knowledge or skills so that it can be used by even those who do have no expertise in coding languages such as python etc.,so overall very good product! 1) Easy way 2o find out about which parts are being visited most often3.) Good support team4,) Very reliable5.),very user friendly interface6.).Easy access7),easy understanding8).Good customer service9);Great tool 10)(for websites with low traffic/visitors10)).It saves time11)-Helps determine how many people you need more than just looking at statistics12.- Helper when doing market research13.;Saves valuable precious money14;If I am going through pages then there will always appear new tabs15-)Can see where visitors click16)= Can view number page views17= This makes me get better insights into my customers18=-This works great19)) No issues20)--Very easy use21):The only.