First of all, it is very small! Small enough to hide anywhere e.g. B. in a receiver. The only problem I had was that the white wire coming out of the receiver wasn't soldered properly. It wasn't actually plugged in when I received the package, but that wasn't a big deal because I was able to restore it. - easy to solder! Now for that little engine that ;) ... there are four buttons: A, B, C and D. "A" is a solid state mode with three brightness settings. "B" is a strobe mode that also has three different strobe patterns. "C" is the "breathing mode" which has three different speeds, and "D" turns off the light. Note that the light can be turned on with any of the function keys (A, B, or C), which is really cool. The controller is beautiful and looks expensive! It has a sliding lid that slides up to cover the keys and slides down to reveal them. It's made of metal and is very sturdy. I just had this package of two! I would recommend this to anyone looking for a neat, simple "one color" control box. Solidly built and quality written throughout! Definitely a BEST BUY!
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