Decided to try these out because for one I needed the socks mine always go M.I.A from the laundry/washer back to my dresser drawer.And 2nd my old sockets make my feet sweat and I HATE wet socks! These socks have the MOISTURE WICKING thing which prevents that from happening. I honestly couldn’t tell you how these work but they work and that’s good enough for me.I wear composite toe boots every day so these socks were just what I needed for those. These boots are waterproof and insulated which tends to make your feet sweat which these socks help with that. They also give me some cushion while wearing my boots and stick up high enough that the boots don’t rub.When I say cushion I don’t mean they Bulky or anything like that cause their not. Other then wet feet I believe bulky socks have to be the number 2 worse thing lol.