These are good bags but one star down because they are a bit fragile and not suitable for what I intended to use them for. The bags are a good size (bigger than regular 13 gallon bags so will definitely fit a 13 gallon dumpster) and the material seems to be of high quality and all the seams feel strong and well taped. etc. I think they are suitable for collecting ordinary recyclables or compostable food. But I wanted to use them for collecting used cat litter and for that purpose they didn't work as well as I expected. First, while they're good, if you pull them off the roll, as soon as I put them on the tray, they tear even with a little scratch, so you have to be very careful. It's a bit strange. They are "elastic" but not quite durable. It's hard to describe but it's not what I expected. Another thing is that the smell of used cat litter wafts through these bags. Maybe it's because it's made of compostable material. I don't know, but that's why it doesn't suit me. So if you're looking for a good compostable bag for your recyclables or kitchen waste, that's a good thing, get this one. But if you want something stronger and hold odors I would look elsewhere.
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