After three kids and countless bags from different brands, I feel like a diaper bag pro. From cheap Walmart sets to stork and pickled petunia floors. We've tried them all, how does it look? This one has to be my favorite. The laptop bag is perfect for changing. The shorter pocket in front is handy for handkerchiefs and my wallet. The large area has extra clothing, a steel bin with snacks, my wet bag with cloth diapers and blankets. The front pocket is perfect for baby's essentials like a thermometer, patch and a few months' essentials. The top pocket is ideal for a jar of mini Altoids essential oils and extra punch cards. The side pockets are best for my water bottle and baby. There are also loops on the front straps where I hang my car keys for easy access. In general I love this business. The floor is vinyl so I'm not worried about it getting dirty. Feels durable.
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