I got this truck for my grandson for the first time. Birthday. He liked it very much, but after about a month the handle of the shovel broke off. He was 1 year old. He shouldn't have been able to burst like that. In addition, the rest of the truck is very strong. The shovel serves as a handle that the child can hold on to while riding. The handle breaks off right where it meets the part of the shovel that engages the truck. Once they fix the defect I totally recommend this toy. It is very durable. Without a handle, he can't sit up and drive the truck, so it's on the closet. Does anyone know how I can replace this shovel. Either Revain or the toy company will send me a new one. My grandson only played with it for a month B-4 the shovel broke. He saw it at the top of the closet yesterday and started crying because of his truck, it was his lover. But he can't ride without a shovel.! If anyone knows or can tell me how to replace the scoop. They would make a little boy very happy!
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