Well, dinosaurs attracted me, I confess. My son loves dinosaurs and ever since he found sonic toothbrushes he has loved brushing his teeth. However, this brand just isn't as responsive in the hand or as strong as our previous purchase. My son (who has sensory sensitivity and autism) was immediately blown away by the new look of this toothbrush, but when he felt it my suspicions were confirmed. "Mom, can we use an old toothbrush?" I didn't hesitate because even in my hand I felt like this wouldn't have the same cleaning power as our previous purchase. Another reason I didn't buy back something that has worked so well for us in the past is that it (and the gas station) weren't branded at the time. This is VEKKIA. I can highly recommend VEKKIA toothbrushes. We use a second set of refill heads and the battery still lasts just as long and is just as powerful. This is the value when you break down the costs. You can find the link to the Vekkia toothbrush here: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07NVBJLSC/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 I'm also relieved to say I was wrong and so was I There are refills on Amazon. I don't know what we will do if these toothbrushes are no longer available in the future. I really can't imagine better quality or value. Obviously Vekkia does not compensate me for writing this review in a post for another product. In my opinion, if you don't produce the best product/value in your niche, you should leave. This list includes her jewelry designs, but that's the way it is. When your child needs the design, they'd rather brush their teeth. I get it. Do what is necessary. But if quality is your priority, you know my opinion.
Philips Sonicare 2100 Series HX3651 Sound Toothbrush, pink
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