I like that there are 3 ways for vendors/subsidy recipient firms can be vetted (which makes sense since they must do this when sending their proposal). Notifications via email or text about new vetting activity; easy search functionality by category & subcategory across all types so you're able check against what's already been checked as well as any open items.; also ability filter results further using vendor names instead just checking box next to each one if needed.) Great service! Haven't found anything too significant yet which would require an update from VendVerto other than minor corrections here at times -- always nice receiving positive feedback though about our great work!! I like the fact that it allows me to check the credentials of my vendors and to verify their compliance with my company policies. It’s also a very useful tool for my team to use when vetting new vendors. I would like to see a more robust reporting tool. I would also like to see the ability to add my own vendor profiles. I am solving the problem of having to manually check vendor credentials.