I doubted to put 3 or 4, but still 3. The last straw was the last ate, after which the Health app began to freeze to death when trying to enter the Watch faces section. Support said "the fool himself." Huawei is not responsible for stable operation with smartphones from other manufacturers. Then they would make watches only for their devices, like Apple or Samsung, and not fool around. In conjunction with Samsung, notifications from telegram channels do not work. Judging by the reviews on the Internet, this problem does not occur to everyone, but keep in mind that this can be. In principle, it can be solved with the help of a bot that collects messages from different channels into one chat, but it's still an additional crutch. The support service answers "the fool himself, the phone is set up incorrectly and generally write in telegrams." There is no way to turn off the sound on the phone through the clock. My cheap mi-bands were so good, the function is convenient, it’s strange that they didn’t implement it. There is still a lack of a calendar, a smart alarm clock and notifications, but this is if you find fault. Quiet sound from the speaker, despite the fact that the interlocutor hears well. I managed to talk by the clock only at home in absolute silence. Doing something and communicating at the same time will not work. The app is inconvenient. The Xiaomi program doesn’t seem like a masterpiece to me either, but it’s even worse (although you can use it, in principle) Couldn't set up navigation the first time. I installed the companion app on my phone, looked at it and decided that I would not try further. It's easier to display notifications on the clock from some 2gis, which works fine. About good. The watch is beautiful, the assembly is solid, they sit well on the hand. The interface is bright and smooth. The connection is not lost, notifications arrive quickly. There are all sorts of cool toys in the form of exercises for warming up and breathing. Sports functions and NFC have not been tested, it feels like the steps are a little winding, but within reason. In short, you can use it, but for me it turns out somehow without pleasure.
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