I have nothing but praise for this product. I mean it's really amazing. I have been casting herring nets and other bait to catch catfish since I was a child. I have had several different nets ranging in size from 3ft to 6ft. I recently got entangled at the bottom of a lake and destroyed my last net so I bought this to replace. 6 foot nets are the ideal size as they are still fairly easy to pancake and have a large area for catching game fish. This net is very soft and not stiff, which makes it even easier to cast and works great. I can honestly say that every cast with this net feels buttery smooth and I've caught tons of herring. Also last night I accidentally caught a 7lb minke which can ruin your net if you are not careful but the net was strong enough to get the fish safely into the boat and then strong enough to catch them in place while I was releasing them without breaking the network.