I ordered these bags because we had bags from another brand that I bought 17 years ago that lost their seal over time. After a little research I decided to give this brand a try. The price was great and the reviews were good so I thought what the heck. They came in the mail and I was very impressed that Plus Size was actually larger than many other Plus Size or XL companies. It was very nice as I need them for memory foam and handmade quilts. Not only were they very easy to close, which I think can be a problem with this type of bag, but after a week they didn't seem to be losing any air at all. I also liked that instead of a latch on the lid to seal the air, they actually have a screw top. large and two large pockets. The pictures show three queen size handmade quilts in a large space-saving bag. We were also able to fit a 2-inch queen-size memory foam topper in a large bag with free space.
24 Giant Tubular Plastic Hanger - Super Duty, 24 Hangers, Proudly Made In The USA!
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