These shoes are perfect for those once in a lifetime occasions when sneakers, flip flops etc just don't fit. However, you know that your child probably won't need to wear expensive dress shoes before their feet are a different size. I especially like the black color of this shoe as it helps disguise the man made materials. The shoes are true to size and arrived well packaged (protected with tissue paper and in a shoebox). So no, these shoes definitely don't look like they came from a high-end luxury children's boutique, but the construction is solid, they're highly functional, and you can't beat the price! The modest cost of these shoes means I won't feel bad if my daughter outgrows them. Completely satisfied with this purchase! Would buy them again. :)
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Capezio Girls 3800 Mary Jane Tap Shoe in Caramel - Size 11.5 M Toddlers
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