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1328 Review
26 Karma

Review on Sell On Wechat by Charles Lewellen

Revainrating 5 out of 5

Easy to use and affordable, worth every penny

I like that it is integrated with my shop so easily! There's not much you can dislike about this service as they are always there when needed for support or just advice if things aren't going well (which has happened very rarely). This tool makes running an online business easy by allowing me access through their platform all day everyday without having have go pick up products off shelves etc which cuts down time spent doing those tasks considerably - also helps keep stock levels more even throughout weeknights/weekends compared what i was previously managing myself before using them!!

  • Free shipping
  • Integrated into Shopify store system
  • Great customer success team who knowledgable, proactive & friendly to communicate via email / telephone call in case issues arise e commerce related.
  • Easily accessible 24 hours per DAY 7 DAYS A WEEK!!! The only thing close at times being Christmas holidays
  • Will fit