This bag is really fantastic! The stitching is solid, leather feels high quality, zippers are strong, and the strap is comfortable and adjustable. The inside is pretty spacious, I can fit my 14" Huawei laptop into the smaller bag no problem. There are pen holders, pockets, and a zip pouch on the inside of the bag which provide enough storage for a college student like me. When I first got it I was kinda worried about the magnetic snaps being strong enough to hold the top closed, but I've never had them come loose in use. Because I have all my textbooks digitally, this bag is great for carrying my iPad/Laptop, a few notebooks/folders, and all the pens/highlighters/calculator around campus everyday. It isn't waterproof but protects decently from heavy rain and snow, at least enough for me to get across campus to my car during a storm. If you're thinking about getting this bag, don't hesitate!
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