We bought these shoes for my son for mountain biking. The traction of the outsole with the pedals is excellent. They are made of canvas and suede that are suited to the trails he rides. My biggest problem is the size. My son wears a size 8 measured in REI, the smallest size they wore was an 8, when he tried them on they were large. So we ordered a size 7.5 from Best Buy, when they arrived he put them on and they were still too big. It was just over an inch in the toe and back of the heel. He tried to pull the laces as tight as possible, but it didn't matter, the width was ok in the med m. So we're going to return them and try 7. The $47.00 price tag is on par with other cycling shoes we've looked for, but it really likes 5 10 adidas as a Shimano, Pearl iZumi, Specialized, or RC.