The thing I like best about this software is that it has been very helpful in our day to day operations of business. It also makes communication seamless between employees as well as with clients. This product helps us stay efficient while at work which saves time thereby increasing profits. Overall everything works great however sometimes certain features such as sending multiple calls simultaneously can be cumbersome when not knowing how these functions operate so you might have troubles using them but they are quite easy once learned or found online resources. Using this we now communicate better internally by being more organized within teams/groups. We're able to manage all client interactions efficiently from one system instead of calling each individual phone number separately. I like that it is so easy to use with other platforms in our office. It also has great customer service! There isn't much I dislike about this product. The only thing I can think of would be if you have alot of employees or more than one department using the system at once then there could potentially be some lag time when switching between screens. We are able to talk via phone calls or video meetings all day long without missing anything important.