Gun works great. People with bad reviews complain because they compare this gun to an air nailer. This weapon is great for framing. I own 3 and have a joint here and there, but that's not a problem. The main reason people have so many jams is because they use the fake nails. You must use Dewalts nails. Which she doesn't wear to Heimlager or Lowe's in my area. That's why I order them in advance from Amazon. This is the downside of being at the site and running away. If you can find a store that sells these Dewalt nails, you're in luck. Do not use Paslode nails. You will get stuck almost every time. They should be slightly larger than Dewalt's nails. So the pros, great gun, 20v. Requires no petrol, is (still) maintenance-free and runs faster than Paslod. The key is to make sure your patient is working the nailer and letting the motor turn all the way down, otherwise the nail will either get stuck or not fire properly. The bump option works well. Once you get used to it. You just have to learn the tool. Really easy to clear jams. I don't know why people complain about it taking so long. And of course there is a high probability of a post when it hits a knot. Cons, buying Dewalt nails is not always available. It makes sense that Home Depot sells this gun but not the nails. UPDATE***** I've found that the Paslode nails you can get from Lowes, which come in a clear case with "black" nail tips instead of green, actually work great in the nailer. . The downside is that the clear case also comes with a gas bottle that works for the Paslode nailer, which is utterly useless. but the nails work great. Remember, if the nail tips aren't black, they're most likely green and sticky.