I was very happy to find these bags at Revain as I can't find them locally anymore. If you have never used these bags, you will be in for a pleasant surprise! These aren't just giant ziplock bags. They are much thicker and can be used over and over again if you are not too picky. As long as you don't tear or puncture them, they're waterproof and you can close them almost completely and squeeze most of the air out of them. I use them all the time to transport and store things on the boat and in the basement. We also keep one in the car to store dirty shoes or wet clothes that sometimes come from hiking and kayaking. The only minor issue we had is that when you load the bag and it's heavy, the handle rubs your hand a bit. A fair compromise for the pros, but there would be room for improvement with a zip. Just a note on the packaging. I'm not sure if this bag actually holds all of the gear the lady is carrying on the box label and I definitely wouldn't expect the bag to withstand a super sharp skate blade, but other than that
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