Repeated attempts to get this to work have been unsuccessful. I went as far as reinstalling E-SYS and trying to capture debugging packages, but I couldn't even get it to work. I disassembled the OBD end and compared the pin connection to the RJ45 end as best I could. RJ45 plastic type covers non-single color wires. What I found is that the ground pins on the OBD end, 4 and 5, were not jumpered like they are on every circuit I've found. see drawing. I broke up my iron, cut a dab of epoxy and connected a dab of solder between pins 4 and 5. The cable worked great right out of the box. If I wanted to go through that much trouble I would just buy an OBD connector for 1/4 the price and cut off the end of the Category 5 shielded cable. Cannot recommend buying from this seller.