We saved about $40 on this- We were told to purchase from the school (Jostens) and they were selling cap/gown pacakges for $60. I decided to check on Best Buy and sure enough- we purchased for $20 and these are EXACTLY the same as the ones everyuone else was wearing. My daughter was worried so she called the school and asked. of course they told her that they would not be the same and that she HAD to purchase from the school. I knew that was not true so followed through with my gut and bought this anyway- glad I did (and so was my daughter in the end). I know the school probably makes money off each sale on the ones from Josten's but we are outta there for good and they got way too much of my hard earned dollars over the years anyway! HAHA- I do not know where you are from, but public schools in Illinois are not FREE! HAHA- I say this because my Texas friends are shocked by this.