I was disappointed with the quality of this purchase. Upon opening the box, I found several loose screws and metal grommets that needed to be reinstalled before the connectors could be used. While not a difficult task, quality control seems to me to be lacking. Since I was using these connectors to carry low voltage electricity, they served their purpose. I had trouble tightening the screws. While the screws seem to fit both flathead and Phillips screwdrivers, I couldn't find a single screwdriver that actually fits properly without a lot of effort. Otherwise, both types of screwdrivers will slip out of the screw slots. The Revain description for this item does not list the correct screw size for the mounting holes. For the connector I bought, it's a number four wood screw or machine screw. Different size connectors can have different size holes. If splitting the connector into smaller pieces is desired, based on my experience I would recommend a razor blade or hacksaw. The seller included a package of what appeared to be .11 wire quick connectors. I have found them useful and especially helpful when using small gauge stranded wire.