This is one of the best shoulder bags I've ever used, and maybe even the best backpack overall. This is one of the best small bags that has many compartments and sections that fit together. It even has many organization options that you can offer to easily store some of your favorite things. I cannot stress enough how awesome this bag is, albeit not without its small flaws in terms of comfort and materials. However, if you can solve a few problems for a larger program, this bag could be your new daily driver. Let's talk storage. The space they found in such a small package is truly amazing and I still can't even fill my pockets! I have a tablet, a Nintendo Switch, an emulator console, a second phone, a 26kmAh power bank, in-ear headphones, my wife's glasses, a wallet, a second power bank, several charging cables, a charging bank and a few Things to take notes (a few notebooks, pens, etc.). All this and so far I have to fill it out fully and effectively what I could add. It feels like I'm taking my stuff to the fourth dimension depending on how big the thing is. Materials are somewhere in between. The bag is durable, I give it its due date each day of the week. I carry at least 15-20 pounds in this bag continuously for several weeks with no sign of cracking or warping. My concerns are about areas that could do with a little more variety of fabrics. The dedicated tablet pocket is handy and, although not listed in the description, easily fits a 10.5 tablet (with a thin protective film). But the lining of the tablet pocket is thin cheap nylon; while velvet or plush would be nice extra protection. And while the orthopedic back protects it well from minor bumps, a plush-lined pocket works better. The same cornea with a special glasses case, microfiber would be great. Overall, however, they do their job, especially for the asking price. Personally, I'm lacking in comfort, and that's just a side issue. PADDING ON THE SHOULDER STRAPS! The pad just isn't long enough. so that a height of 6 feet and above is comfortable. I like to wear my backpack where it's meant to be carried, on my upper back. Even with the strap properly tightened to fit this area, I would often ride the edge of the padded strap and pull the clip down to my collarbone. It's not a very comfortable feeling after a few hours. A simple solution to the problem was to carry the bag on one shoulder instead of over the shoulder. But I don't want to look like I'm trying to be cool 24/7, I want comfort. All those little quibbles and one real issue aside, in my opinion, the bag offers too many goodies not to be considered an everyday rider contender for those looking to downsize their pack and perhaps expand their storage space. A bag that will leave you in awe as you try to push it to the limit every day and fail. EVERYONE. SINGLE. TIME.
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