Briefly tell! I fell for the brand and advertising. It is written everywhere: a ty cloud of speakers, a total power of 500 watts, the sound quality is Dolby otmos, etc. etc . . well, ordered, brought, installed / connected. In short, it's all a lie and it turned out to be a scam! Delivered, installed, hooked up. Everything is simple. I turn it on, I think, well, it will destroy my living room of 35 sq. M. !😂 😂😂 and nifiga, from the word at all. This sound bar yells, but the words can not be made out, there is no b at all ! It locks like a Zhiguli! The sound is disgusting. At first I didn't believe it. I sat down, climbed in the settings, nothing changes. I connected a Samsung q950r to the TV. I turned on the film and switch from TV to sound bar. There/here…. In short, the conclusion is this: the TV at full volume yells quieter than the soundbar, but better than the soundbar when at its full power. Of course, there is a little more b than on TV, but only up to the middle of the maximum power of the sound bar, then they disappear, and the sound bar yells like a carved pig.
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