I bought this for my son for Christmas. After 4 months it wouldn't turn off - it flashed different colors until he unplugged it. I called Acer and after doing a factory reset which didn't change anything they said to box it up and pay to have it shipped at their own expense so they can honor the warranty and repairs take two weeks once. You have it. I asked if I had sent it in the original packaging, would I get the box back and the rep said yes. I looked on the site and it's not. sooo I would have had to buy the box and packing materials, pay for shipping, and my son would have been without a monitor for at least three weeks to fix the problem. My son said it would be better to just crawl under the table and turn it on and off every time he uses it than go three weeks without it. I was angry that I spent a lot of money on this monitor and that it is the lack of service and care they offer to customers. If you decide to purchase this monitor, please buy it locally so you can return it to the store. In the event of a defect, do not rely on Acer for help. Really disappointed.
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