I found this software really easy to use as well as user friendly. The ability to export and even print pictures was also great since it helped me organize information in order for me to be more organized to complete other tasks. Honestly there is nothing bad about this program. I didn't find anything wrong with it. In fact I recommend getting the product just because everything went smooth during my time using them. There are very few problems if ever i did have any question about the software or how to use it i would always reach out to someone who worked for them because nothing could go wrong. Their customer service is amazing. Everything runs smooth and they are willing to help you however they can and make sure everything works right. They definitely were able to assist and fix any issues we faced at anytime without delay. This software is easy to use whether or not you have prior experience making notes through notes or even doing research. All of a sudden everything would be easier with this software, which was also easy to upload pictures. My only issue is uploading photographs of different people's faces from different sources. I like best it can search through multiple databases at once. You can also export your results as csv files for easy analysis within excel or other software. There are some things i dislike about this tool but nothing major. If you have any questions feel free to reach out to me via email. We use names&faces to find employees across different departments and help with hiring decisions.