It has been a month since I made the purchase; the scroll functions in an unpredictable manner, and it makes no difference which way you turn it with your finger. The light bulbs continue to provide a wonderful glow that shimmers from one hue to another, but I can already see that the colors are shifting more dramatically. The fact that there is no communication with any representatives from the Oklick corporation is the single most revolting aspect of this whole situation. I want to return their device to them under the terms of the warranty, despite the fact that it has already been an entire year! Also, please return the funds. However, on the official website, the feedback form does not work, there are no phones, and the only mail they left to interact with the outside world is the PR department box, from which there have been no responses for more than a week. This makes it impossible to provide input on the situation. I'm debating whether or not I should file a formal complaint against them with the appropriate authorities. That is not the case at all. In a nutshell, it was the first time that I tried any of this company's items. 2 out of 5. I've decided not to waste any more of my money, my time, or my nerves on this.