Very helpful in writing out thoughts and creating visual maps of ideas. I was initially unsure about using this app due to my lack of tech skills but I am now very impressed by its simplicity. This is especially useful when brainstorming ideas and having conversations over Skype. When I got stuck on a particular task I would just put myself into a new'scapple' and it would show me exactly how to solve the problem. Once I had solved the issue I could easily share it with other people within the group. This has helped me massively in developing my skill set and now I feel confident using any kind of software! Scapple also helps me to stay organised and focused. As I'm in an office environment this tool works particularly well because it helps me manage meetings, work tasks and breaks. In terms of connecting to other people it's great because if I am working with someone remotely I can just send them a scapple link. This way they can add their comments/ideas to mine.